Blog of RuSun

\begin {array}{c} \mathfrak {One Problem Is Difficult} \\\\ \mathfrak {Because You Don't Know} \\\\ \mathfrak {Why It Is Diffucult} \end {array}

CF622F The Sum of the k-th Powers

LuoGu: CF622F The Sum of the k-th Powers

CF: F. The Sum of the k-th Powers

直接想到伯努利数,但是伯努利数直接求复杂度是 $O(m ^ 2)$ 。考虑插值,当取连续的 $x _ i = i$ 时,可以实现线性插值。即

f(x) = & \sum_{i = 1}^n f(i) \prod_{j \ne i}\frac{(x - j)}{(i - j)} \\
= & \sum_{i = 1}^n f(i) * (-1)^{n - i} * \frac{\prod _ {k \neq i} (x - k)}{(i - 1)!(n - i)!} \\

维护出 $\sum _ k (x - k)$ 。每次计算时乘上对应逆元。注意到如果 $n \le m + 2$ ,那么答案为 $0$ 。这部分暴力计算即可。
